Dennis Carter, Architect LFRAIA


We Architects, Planners and Urban Designers are just like you, living in unprecedented times when change is the only constant. As an architect I am only too aware of the challenges of living in a world convulsed by existential crises. After 50 years of architecture, of building design, planning , writing and witnessing the rapidity of ‘change’, of Global Warming and Climate Change I am an Architect who regards these issues as the keystone for architectural practice today and in the future. Good architecture, purposeful architecture contributes. As we come out of our third Covid ‘lockdown’ today, 0906’21 we have no option but to ensure that our architecture in beneficial to the planet.

That is what drives me. This architect designs for the weather extremes that are becoming the norm. Passive design, insulated, north facing, dwellings with a natural materiality, unostentatious, unpretentious, houses and buildings that have their own quality to suit you that feel good to be in, by Design. Contact me with a ‘Scope of Work’ and Budget and we will see what can be done.

In the past six months or so we have witnessed horrific bushfires, infernos destroying lives, property and our natural environment, creating toxic smoke that could be seen from space. Extremes in weather. Global Warming and Climate change of our own doing. Followed by Covid 19, an unstoppable Global virus that may linger for years. And our economic future does not look good.

We are however blessed. Still living in a ‘lucky country’. We can, through co-operation and collaboration, improve our situation and more importantly, that of our Home, this planet.

Us Architects need to team up with our co-professionals, geographers, land use specialists, environmental scientists, strategic planners and futurists to innovate an architecture of purpose, that by design, has the capacity to provide living solutions to the major issues of our time. This is our challenge. Please contact me if this Website resonates with you. I am a Senior Architect with many years of experience. I have many colleagues and associates and by collaboration, we can handle any Project of value.

Thinking as I write, architecture is important architecture should be classless. architect is for the Client, not the architect architecture it should be a process, not a style; architecture is of intelligent and clear thinking; architecture should be beneficial architecture is a considered response to context, to locale; architecture is place that is of place; architecture should work with Nature;  architecture should be guided by ergonomics and anthropometrics; architecture is about spatiality, proportion and materiality; architecture innovates; architecture should be flexible, timeless and beautiful; architecture is tactile; architecture is inclusive; architecture is poetry; Good architecture is hard work architecture should have a frugality but be of lasting Value and Big is not better